How much does it cost to file a trademark in Japan, China or Korea? Review our competitive fees for filing, renewing or having a trademark application examined. Compare our fees for all our trademark services. All fees for filing in Japan are in Japanese yen and only charged based upon success.
Japanese Trademark Application
Filing a Trademark Application |
Items |
Attorney Fee |
Official Fee |
Research Fee |
¥0 |
- |
Application Fee (Basic research, translation of up to 10 designated goods/services included) |
¥0 |
¥0 |
Additional Application Fee per classification (from 2nd classification) (Basic research, translation of up to 10 designated goods/services included) |
¥0 |
¥0 |
Additional Translation Fee per designated goods/services item (from item No. 11) |
¥0 |
- |
Prosecution for Office Action |
Argument |
¥0 |
Additional Fee for Argument per Classification (from 2nd classification) |
¥0 |
Amendment |
¥0 |
Additional Fee for Amendment per Classification (from 2nd classification) |
¥0 |
Reporting Notice of Office Action (which result in express abandonment) |
¥0 |
Correspondence Fee |
¥0 |
Registration |
Registration Fee (where the JPO does not issue the Office Action to an original application) |
¥125,000 |
¥28,200 |
Registration Fee (From 2nd Classification)(where the JPO does not issue the Office Action to an original application) |
¥50,000 |
¥28,200 |
Registration Fee (where an application was registered after ATA responded to the Office Actions issued by the JPO) |
¥170,000 |
¥28,200 |
Registration Fee(from 2nd classification)(where an application was registered after ATA responded to the Office Actions issued by the JPO) |
¥50,000 |
¥28,200 |
Renewal * |
Renewal Fee (10years) |
¥50,000 |
¥38,800 |
* Official fees for filing a trademark application are JPY 12,000/class. If the trademark cannot be registered, we will bear the official fees. If the chances for registration are considered to be low, we might apply our regular fees.
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Madrid Protocol(Japan)
* Please inquire via email regarding costs for China and/or Korea.
Responding to a provisional refusal for International Registration in Japan |
Items |
Attorney Fee |
Argument |
¥0 |
Additional Fee for Argument per Classification (from 2nd classification) |
¥0 |
Amendment |
¥0 |
Additional Fee for Amendment per Classification (from 2nd classification) |
¥0 |
Correspondence Fee |
¥0 |
Registration |
Contingency fee |
USD1980 |
Contingency fee (from 2nd classification) |
USD980 |
* Discounts can be applied in cases where the provisional refusal can be overcome simply. If the chances for overcoming the provisional refusal are considered to be low, we might apply our usual fees.
Note: Please pay Registration fees to WIPO directly. Notification will arrive from WIPO after the payment.
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Our prices are set fees and are all-inclusive. You will not be charged additional fees for reporting, docketing, miscellaneous expenses etcetera. We are also committed to providing value, and if you can supply us with a quote from another firm offering the same service at lower costs we will better it.
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